MJF form

The Melvin Jones Fellowship Program
The Melvin Jones Fellowship Program is a generous way to show commitment to thehumanitarian work of LCIF.
The MJF Program was established in 1973 in honor of Melvin Jones, Did you know...the founder of Lions Clubs International. The MJF program recognizesdonations of US$1,000 to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).
New MJFs receive a pin, commemorative plaque and a letter fromthe LCIF Chairperson. If the donor so chooses, he/she may use theirdonation credit to recognize another individual with a MJF.
The Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship Program The Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship (PMJF) provides an opportunity to advance in theFellowship program. For each subsequent donation of US$1,000 beyond the initial MJFdonation, donors receive a unique PMJF pin in accordance with their level of giving. LikeMJFs, donors can recognize another individual with PMJF donations.
Areas of Giving
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) will now be able to help more people than everbefore by making an even greater global impact with a focus on vision, youth, disaster relief andhumanitarian work. Donors will receive MJF and PMJF credit when directing their support to:
Empowering Service Fund:Fund: Any of LCIF’s causes (sight, youth, disaster relief, humanitariansupport, diabetes, childhood cancer, hunger, the environment).
Disaster Relief:
Enables LCIF to direct the funds to the area’s most in need following disastersto provide for immediate, mid and long-term relief. The Foundation will be able to immediatelyprovide funds for large-scale disaster relief, rather than collecting and distributing funds over aperiod of weeks or months.