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.. index:: single: Upgrading Upgrading ========= Upgrading to 1.0.0 ------------------ Minimum PHP version +++++++++++++++++++ As of Mockery 1.0.0 the minimum PHP version required is 5.6. Using Mockery with PHPUnit ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the "old days", 0.9.x and older, the way Mockery was integrated with PHPUnit was through a PHPUnit listener. That listener would in turn call the ``\Mockery::close()`` method for us. As of 1.0.0, PHPUnit test cases where we want to use Mockery, should either use the ``\Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\MockeryPHPUnitIntegration`` trait, or extend the ``\Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\MockeryTestCase`` test case. This will in turn call the ``\Mockery::close()`` method for us. Read the documentation for a detailed overview of ":doc:`/reference/phpunit_integration`". ``\Mockery\Matcher\MustBe`` is deprecated +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As of 1.0.0 the ``\Mockery\Matcher\MustBe`` matcher is deprecated and will be removed in Mockery 2.0.0. We recommend instead to use the PHPUnit or Hamcrest equivalents of the MustBe matcher. ``allows`` and ``expects`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As of 1.0.0, Mockery has two new methods to set up expectations: ``allows`` and ``expects``. This means that these methods names are now "reserved" for Mockery, or in other words classes you want to mock with Mockery, can't have methods called ``allows`` or ``expects``. Read more in the documentation about this ":doc:`/reference/alternative_should_receive_syntax`". No more implicit regex matching for string arguments ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When setting up string arguments in method expectations, Mockery 0.9.x and older, would try to match arguments using a regular expression in a "last attempt" scenario. As of 1.0.0, Mockery will no longer attempt to do this regex matching, but will only try first the identical operator ``===``, and failing that, the equals operator ``==``. If you want to match an argument using regular expressions, please use the new ``\Mockery\Matcher\Pattern`` matcher. Read more in the documentation about this pattern matcher in the ":doc:`/reference/argument_validation`" section. ``andThrow`` ``\Throwable`` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As of 1.0.0, the ``andThrow`` can now throw any ``\Throwable``. Upgrading to 0.9 ---------------- The generator was completely rewritten, so any code with a deep integration to mockery will need evaluating. Upgrading to 0.8 ---------------- Since the release of 0.8.0 the following behaviours were altered: 1. The ``shouldIgnoreMissing()`` behaviour optionally applied to mock objects returned an instance of ``\Mockery\Undefined`` when methods called did not match a known expectation. Since 0.8.0, this behaviour was switched to returning ``null`` instead. You can restore the 0.7.2 behaviour by using the following: .. code-block:: php $mock = \Mockery::mock('stdClass')->shouldIgnoreMissing()->asUndefined();