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/** * 0.1.0 * Deferred load js/css file, used for ui-jq.js and Lazy Loading. * * @ flatfull.com All Rights Reserved. * Author url: http://themeforest.net/user/flatfull */ var uiLoad = uiLoad || {}; (function($, $document, uiLoad) { "use strict"; var loaded = [], promise = false, deferred = $.Deferred(); /** * Chain loads the given sources * @param srcs array, script or css * @returns {*} Promise that will be resolved once the sources has been loaded. */ uiLoad.load = function (srcs) { srcs = $.isArray(srcs) ? srcs : srcs.split(/\s+/); if(!promise){ promise = deferred.promise(); } $.each(srcs, function(index, src) { promise = promise.then( function(){ return src.indexOf('.css') >=0 ? loadCSS(src) : loadScript(src); } ); }); deferred.resolve(); return promise; }; /** * Dynamically loads the given script * @param src The url of the script to load dynamically * @returns {*} Promise that will be resolved once the script has been loaded. */ var loadScript = function (src) { if(loaded[src]) return loaded[src].promise(); var deferred = $.Deferred(); var script = $document.createElement('script'); script.src = src; script.onload = function (e) { deferred.resolve(e); }; script.onerror = function (e) { deferred.reject(e); }; $document.body.appendChild(script); loaded[src] = deferred; return deferred.promise(); }; /** * Dynamically loads the given CSS file * @param href The url of the CSS to load dynamically * @returns {*} Promise that will be resolved once the CSS file has been loaded. */ var loadCSS = function (href) { if(loaded[href]) return loaded[href].promise(); var deferred = $.Deferred(); var style = $document.createElement('link'); style.rel = 'stylesheet'; style.type = 'text/css'; style.href = href; style.onload = function (e) { deferred.resolve(e); }; style.onerror = function (e) { deferred.reject(e); }; $document.head.appendChild(style); loaded[href] = deferred; return deferred.promise(); } })(jQuery, document, uiLoad);