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<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Routes group config |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The default group settings for the elFinder routes. | */ 'route' => [ 'prefix' => env('BACKEND_PATH').'/webmaster/translations', 'middleware' => 'auth', ], /** * Enable deletion of translations * * @type boolean */ 'delete_enabled' => false, /** * Exclude specific groups from Laravel Translation Manager. * This is useful if, for example, you want to avoid editing the official Laravel language files. * * @type array * * array( * 'pagination', * 'reminders', * 'validation', * ) */ 'exclude_groups' => [], /** * Exclude specific languages from Laravel Translation Manager. * * @type array * * array( * 'fr', * 'de', * ) */ 'exclude_langs' => [], /** * Export translations with keys output alphabetically. */ 'sort_keys' => false, 'trans_functions' => [ 'trans', 'trans_choice', 'Lang::get', 'Lang::choice', 'Lang::trans', 'Lang::transChoice', '@lang', '@choice', '__', '$trans.get', ], ];