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import EventAction from '@/action/event' import HookManager from '@/HookManager' import MessageBus from './MessageBus' import DirectiveManager from './DirectiveManager' const store = { componentsById: {}, listeners: new MessageBus(), initialRenderIsFinished: false, livewireIsInBackground: false, livewireIsOffline: false, sessionHasExpired: false, directives: DirectiveManager, hooks: HookManager, onErrorCallback: () => { }, components() { return Object.keys(this.componentsById).map(key => { return this.componentsById[key] }) }, addComponent(component) { return (this.componentsById[component.id] = component) }, findComponent(id) { return this.componentsById[id] }, getComponentsByName(name) { return this.components().filter(component => { return component.name === name }) }, hasComponent(id) { return !!this.componentsById[id] }, tearDownComponents() { this.components().forEach(component => { this.removeComponent(component) }) }, on(event, callback) { this.listeners.register(event, callback) }, emit(event, ...params) { this.listeners.call(event, ...params) this.componentsListeningForEvent(event).forEach(component => component.addAction(new EventAction(event, params)) ) }, emitUp(el, event, ...params) { this.componentsListeningForEventThatAreTreeAncestors( el, event ).forEach(component => component.addAction(new EventAction(event, params)) ) }, emitSelf(componentId, event, ...params) { let component = this.findComponent(componentId) if (component.listeners.includes(event)) { component.addAction(new EventAction(event, params)) } }, emitTo(componentName, event, ...params) { let components = this.getComponentsByName(componentName) components.forEach(component => { if (component.listeners.includes(event)) { component.addAction(new EventAction(event, params)) } }) }, componentsListeningForEventThatAreTreeAncestors(el, event) { var parentIds = [] var parent = el.parentElement.closest('[wire\\:id]') while (parent) { parentIds.push(parent.getAttribute('wire:id')) parent = parent.parentElement.closest('[wire\\:id]') } return this.components().filter(component => { return ( component.listeners.includes(event) && parentIds.includes(component.id) ) }) }, componentsListeningForEvent(event) { return this.components().filter(component => { return component.listeners.includes(event) }) }, registerDirective(name, callback) { this.directives.register(name, callback) }, registerHook(name, callback) { this.hooks.register(name, callback) }, callHook(name, ...params) { this.hooks.call(name, ...params) }, changeComponentId(component, newId) { let oldId = component.id component.id = newId component.fingerprint.id = newId this.componentsById[newId] = component delete this.componentsById[oldId] // Now go through any parents of this component and change // the component's child id references. this.components().forEach(component => { let children = component.serverMemo.children || {} Object.entries(children).forEach(([key, { id, tagName }]) => { if (id === oldId) { children[key].id = newId } }) }) }, removeComponent(component) { // Remove event listeners attached to the DOM. component.tearDown() // Remove the component from the store. delete this.componentsById[component.id] }, onError(callback) { this.onErrorCallback = callback }, getClosestParentId(childId, subsetOfParentIds) { let distancesByParentId = {} subsetOfParentIds.forEach(parentId => { let distance = this.getDistanceToChild(parentId, childId) if (distance) distancesByParentId[parentId] = distance }) let smallestDistance = Math.min(...Object.values(distancesByParentId)) let closestParentId Object.entries(distancesByParentId).forEach(([parentId, distance]) => { if (distance === smallestDistance) closestParentId = parentId }) return closestParentId }, getDistanceToChild(parentId, childId, distanceMemo = 1) { let parentComponent = this.findComponent(parentId) if (! parentComponent) return let childIds = parentComponent.childIds if (childIds.includes(childId)) return distanceMemo for (let i = 0; i < childIds.length; i++) { let distance = this.getDistanceToChild(childIds[i], childId, distanceMemo + 1) if (distance) return distance } } } export default store