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# laravel-google-translate * Translate translation files (under /resources/lang) or lang.json files * Provide extra facade functions Str::apiTranslate and Str::apiTranslateWithAttributes by using stichoza/google-translate-php or Google Translate API https://cloud.google.com/translate/ or Yandex Translatin API https://tech.yandex.com/translate/ ## Str facade api-translation helpers This package provides two translation methods for Laravel helper Str * `Illuminate\Support\Str::apiTranslate` -> Translates texts using your selected api in config * `Illuminate\Support\Str::apiTranslateWithAttributes` -> Again translates texts using your selected api in config in addition to that this function ***respects Laravel translation text attributes*** like :name ## how to use your own translation api * Create your own translation api class by implementing Tanmuhittin\LaravelGoogleTranslate\Contracts\ApiTranslatorContract * Write your classname in config laravel_google_translate.custom_api_translator . Example : Myclass::class * Write your custom apikey for your custom class in laravel_google_translate.custom_api_translator_key Now all translations will use your custom api. ## installation ```console composer require tanmuhittin/laravel-google-translate php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tanmuhittin\LaravelGoogleTranslate\LaravelGoogleTranslateServiceProvider" ``` If you would like to use stichoza/google-translate-php you do not need an API key. If you would like to use Google Translate API, edit config/laravel_google_translate.php and add your Google Translate API key. ```console php artisan config:cache ``` Then you can run ```console php artisan translate:files ``` See it on action:<br> <img src="http://muhittintan.com/tanmuhittin-laravel-google-translate.gif" alt="laravel-google-translate" /> ## potential issues ### SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate https://stackoverflow.com/a/31830614 ## suggested packages This package can be used with https://github.com/andrey-helldar/laravel-lang-publisher. * Add base Laravel translation files using https://github.com/andrey-helldar/laravel-lang-publisher * Translate your custom files using this package Done ## finally Thank you for using laravel-google-translate :)