Board of Directors

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Personal Details
Position: First Year International Director
District: 3232
Address: Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Ramesh C. Prajapati

Board of Directors

Ramesh Prajapati from Vadodara, Gujarat, India, was elected to serve a two-year term as an
international director of Lions International at the association’s 106th International Convention at
Melbourne, Australia, 2024.

Director Prajapati started his carrier as a scientist in and Indian space research organization after
serving as a lecturer at Technology MSU Vadodara. He then worked for a family business. He has
40 years of experience in the real estate industry and is currently a partner at Keizer Developers,
where he focuses on negotiation and sales promotion.

Director Prajapati is a member of the Broda Gorwa Lions Club since 1988.
He has held several offices within the association, including charter secretary, club president, zone
chairperson, region chairperson, cabinet secretary, district chairperson, vice district governor,
district governor, Centennial Celebration district coordinator, board member and trustee for LION
Magazine India and Global Leadership Team area leader. He is also a Melvin Jones Fellow and a
lead donor.

In recognition of his service to the association, Director Prajapati has received numerous awards,
including 100% Attendance Awards, Best Lion Award, Best Zone Chairperson Award, multiple
International President’s Medals, multiple International President’s Leadership Medals, multiple
International President’s Appreciation Certificates, 100% District Governor Excellence Award,
Supreme Membership Key Award and Guiding Lion Award, among many others.

In addition to his Lion activities, Director Prajapati is a 75-time blood donor, a major contributor in
chartering 81 new clubs, has served as installing officer in 600+ clubs and trained 700+ Lions as
GLT area leader. He is also associated with educational trust and banks.

Director Prajapati and his wife, Amita Prajapati, also a Lion, have two children and three