LEO Lion Board Liaisons

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Position: LEO Lion Board Liaisons
Address: China Hong Kong

Nicole Luk

LEO Lion Board Liaisons


Nicole Luk from China Hong Kong was appointed by International President Fabrício Oliveira
to serve as a Leo-Lion Board Liaison of Lions Clubs International from 2024 through 2025.

Nicole’s journey as a Leo started as a way to meet new people outside of her school environment
and gave her the ideal opportunity to coordinate and serve her community by her own right.
After 10 years of serving as a Leo, she became a Leo-Lion to expand her service impact. She
now serves as the charter president of the Leo-Lion Club of Hong Kong Youths, and still serves
as a Leo through a dual membership

As part of the Leo program, Nicole has served in a number of leadership roles at the club, district
and multiple district levels, including Leo club president, Leo district president, Leo Advisory
Panelist and ad hoc committee member of women and young people membership development.
Nicole is also a Melvin Jones Fellow.

At the invitation of her district governor, Nicole has served as a Leo-Lion Cabinet Liaison after
completing her term as Leo district president.

Nicole has a degree in supply chain management and is currently a project manager for a
consumer goods multinational company, where she leads product launches with commercial
marketing, factory, procurement, finance and works with the logistics team. Outside of her Leo
and Leo-Lion commitments, she enjoys creating flower arrangements. She also enjoys
maintaining her social media profile highlighting her life as a Leo-Lion, helping keep her fellow
Leos and Lions up to date.

As a Leo-Lion Board Liaison, Nicole will focus on serving the association’s youth global cause
and continue her passion for Leos.

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