LEO Lion Board Liaisons

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Position: LEO Lion Board Liaisons
Address: Potirendaba, São Paulo, Brazil

Rodolpho Gonçalves Da Silva

LEO Lion Board Liaisons


Rodolpho Gonçalves da Silva, from Potirendaba, São Paulo, Brazil, has been appointed by
International President Fabrício Oliveira to serve as the Leo-Lion Representative to the Lions
Clubs International Board of Directors for 2024-2025.

Rodolpho's journey began in 2005, at the age of twelve, when a fellow Lion from his hometown
invited him to participate in a service activity with the Potirendaba Leo Club. This donation activity
for a support house for children undergoing cancer treatment was a transformative experience, and
he knew that his mission was to help the community and those in need.

Rodolpho served as a Leo for 19 years. After 10 years as a Leo, he also joined the São José do Rio
Preto Sul Lions Club, remaining affiliated with both clubs for another 9 years. He currently serves
as a member of the Lions Club.

As part of the Leo Club Program, Rodolpho served in various leadership positions at the club,
district, and multiple district levels, including Leo Club President, District Leo Chairperson, and
Multiple District Leo Chairperson. He also served as an advisor to his Leo Club, District, and
Multiple District, and as an International Leo-Lion Cultural Exchange Ambassador in 2023.
In recognition of his leadership and service to the association, he received several awards,
including the 100% Club President Award twice, the 100% District Chairperson Award, the Leo
District Chairperson Achievement Award, the Leo of the Year Award in 2018-2019, and the
Presidential Medal in 2024. Rodolpho is also a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Rodolpho is a biologist and a PhD student in biodiversity with a focus on the ecology of large
felines at São Paulo State University (UNESP). He holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences
from the Rio Preto University Center (UNIRP), São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo. In addition to
his commitments as a Leo and Leo-Lion, he enjoys hiking, spending time in nature, and socializing
with his friends.

As a Leo-Lion Board Liaison, Rodolpho will focus on giving more voice and support to Leos
within the association. He hopes to make a greater impact in efforts to assist others.