LCIF Board of Trustees

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Personal Details
Position: Past International President Appointee of International President
Address: Albany, GA, USA

James E. “jim” Ervin

LCIF Board of Trustees


Jim Ervin, of Albany, Georgia, USA, served as president of The International Association of
Lions Clubs following his election at the association's 82nd International Convention, held in
San Diego, California, USA, June 28-July 2, 1999.

A member of the Albany Lions Club since 1977, Past President Ervin has held many positions
within the association, including club president, zone chairman, district governor and council
chairman. He was an international director during 1992-94. Past President Ervin served as
chairman of the Lions Clubs International Foundation during 2000-01 and presently serves on
the SightFirst Advisory Committee. Past President Ervin was appointed to a three-year term as
trustee for LCIF in 2019-2020.

He is also a past director and trustee of the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation and the
Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind.

Past President Ervin has received numerous awards in recognition of his service to the
association, including an Extension Award, a Guiding Lion Award, two International President's
Certificates of Appreciation, 16 International President’s Awards and the Ambassador of Good
Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He is also a
Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lion activities, Past President Ervin is a member of several business,
professional and fraternal organizations.

Past President Ervin lives with his wife Sharon Dillard and has four children and five
