LCIF Board of Trustees

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Personal Details
Position: Past International President Third Largest Per Member Giving Country
Address: Busan City, Republic of Korea

Dr. Jung-yul Choi

LCIF Board of Trustees


Dr. Jung-Yul Choi from Busan, Republic of Korea, was elected to serve as international
president of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 102nd International Convention, held
in Milan, Italy, July 5 through July 9, 2019. He continued on to serve a second term as
international president through June 29, 2021, following a resolution passed by the international
board of directors. He served as Chairperson for Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
from June 29, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

A member of the Busan Jae-il Lions Club since 1977, Past International President Choi has held
many offices within the association, including club president, cabinet secretary, district governor
and international director. He also served numerous times as a DGE Group Leader and served on
11 committees as a member of the International Board of Directors. In addition, he was a
chairperson of the 39th OSEAL Forum in 2000 and a host committee chairperson at the 95th
Lions International Convention in Busan in 2012, the largest convention ever held in Lions

In recognition of his service to the association, Past International President Choi has received
numerous awards, including the Humanitarian Partnership; Senior Master Key Award; 100%
District Governor Award; multiple International President’s Leadership Awards; multiple
International President’s Awards; and an Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor
the association bestows upon its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lion activities, Past International President Choi is chief executive officer of
Koala Company, Ltd., an international trading company, and is also a past director of the Busan
Sports Association.

Past International President Choi and his wife, Seong-Bok, have one son, four daughters and two
