LCIF Board of Trustees

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Personal Details
Position: Past International Director Second Largest Per Member Giving Country
Address: Koji Tsurushima

Koji Tsurushima

LCIF Board of Trustees


Koji Tsurushima from Sapporo, Japan, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international director
of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 105th International Convention in Boston,
Massachusetts, USA, July 7 through July 11, 2023.

Past International Director Tsurushima has more than 30 years of professional experience across several
fields of expertise including transportation, property management, finance and hospitality. He is CEO of
three corporations including Asuka Transportation Co., Ltd., Asuka Kogyo Co., Ltd., and Kaiko
Management Office Co., Ltd.

He was inspired to join the Sapporo Nakajima Lions Club in 1997 after seeing how Lions were helping
individuals with disabilities and supporting youth sports. He has held a number of offices within the
association including multiple district council chairperson and LCIF East Japan area leader.

In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including multiple
International President’s Awards and International President’s Certificates of Appreciation as well as an
International President’s Leadership Award. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. Past
International Director Koji Tsurushima also served as an LCIF Area Leader and was appointed to a threeyear term as trustee for Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) in 2024-2025.
In addition to his Lions activities, Past International Director Tsurushima is active in numerous
professional and community organizations including serving as director for the Special Olympics
Nippon/Hokkaido. He has also served as Vice Chairman for the East Japan Business Cooperative for
International Exchange Network and as managing director for both the SBYS JIGYO Cooperative and
DOUOU JOUHOU Service Cooperative.
Past International Director Tsurushima and his wife, Reiko, have three children and five grandchildren.