LCIF Board of Trustees

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Personal Details
Position: Past Council Chairperson Constitutional Area VII
Address: Jakarta, Indonesia

Eveline N. Chandra

LCIF Board of Trustees


Eveline Chandra from Jakarta, Indonesia, was elected to serve as council chairperson of Lions Clubs
International at the 99th Lions International Convention, held in Fukuoka, Japan, in 2016.

A member of the Jakarta Jaya Sunter Agung Lions Club and a Lion since 1997, Past Council Chairperson
Chandra has held many offices within the organization, including zone chairperson, region chairperson,
GMT area leader, multiple district coordinator, LCIF area leader for Campaign 100, vice constitutional
area leader in CA VII for Campaign 100, LCIF constitutional area leader and district governor. Past
Council Chairperson Chandra was appointed to a three-year term as trustee for LCIF in 2023-2024.

In recognition of her service, Past Council Chairperson Chandra has received several awards, including
the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest award presented by Lions International. She also is a
Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

Past Council Chairperson Chandra has two children and one grandchild.