LCIF Board of Trustees

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Personal Details
Position: Past International President Constitutional Area V
Address: Minokamo, Japan

Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada

LCIF Board of Trustees


Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, of Minokamo, Gifu, Japan, was elected to serve as president of Lions
Clubs International at the association's 98th International Convention held in Honolulu, Hawaii,
USA, June 26-30, 2015.

Past President Yamada is a neurosurgeon.

A member of the Minokamo Lions Club, Past President Yamada has been a Lion since 1985. He
has held many offices in the association, including district governor and GLT constitutional area
vice leader. He served on the international board from 2005 to 2007 as a member of the
Executive Committee and the Long Range Planning Committee and Vice Chairperson of
Convention Committee. He also served as a board appointee for 2011-2012 and 2018-2019.
After his service as president of Lions Clubs International, and then as chairperson of
Lions Clubs International Foundation, Past President Yamada accepted the job of leading
the most ambitious Capital Campaign in the history of the Foundation in 2017. The
campaign was launched officially at the association’s 101st International Convention held
in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA in July 2018.

In recognition of his service to the association, Past President Yamada has received numerous
awards, including the Humanitarian Partner Award, 10 International President’s Awards and an
Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members.
He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lion activities, Past President Yamada is chairperson for several organizations
including the Social Medical Corporation Koseikai, the Central Japan International Medical
Center, the Social Welfare Corporation Jikeikai, Nozominooka Hospital and Ajisai Nursing
College. He is a standing director of the Japan Hospital Association and an affiliate professor at
Gifu University.

Past President Yamada has been active in the area of international relations, serving as an
Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Morocco, president of the Gifu-Hungary Friendship
Association, Gifu-Morocco Association and Gifu-Salzburg Association. He is a recipient of the
Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, the Medal of Honor of the Alaouite Dynasty of the
Kingdom of Morocco and an honorary citizen of Beijing City, China, in recognition of his
service to international friendship building.

Past President Yamada and his late wife and partner since medical school, Dr. Toshiko Yamada,
have one son, who is also a Lion, one daughter and three grandchildren.

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