LCIF Board of Trustees

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Personal Details
Position: Past District Governor Constitutional Area III
Address: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Juventino Figueira Borges

LCIF Board of Trustees

Juventino Figueira Borges
Past District Governor

Juventino Figueira Borges from Sao Paulo, Brazil is currently Treasurer of the International
Association of Lions Clubs Brazil and GAT/GMT of his Sub-District; he served in various positions on
the boards of his Lions club since 1979, including president for three terms. He has played active
roles in the founding of Lions clubs and Leos clubs. He was also Zone and Region Chairman, in
addition to numerous terms in advisories, sub-district and multiple district committees.

Juventino has an Electronic Engineering degree from Maua Institute of Technology, Sao Caetano do
Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil and an MBA from the Administration and Economics College of Paraná State,
Brazil, and a postgraduate degree in Marketing in Services from Getulio Vargas Foundation, São
Paulo, Brazil.

He is a founding member of Lions Club João Pessoa – Cabo Branco, founded in July 1979 at District
L25, currently Sub-District LA5, Multiple LA – Brazil. He transferred to the Lions Club Sub-District
LC5 of Multiple LC – Brazil in November 1982.

Juventino was also a Certified Guiding Lion Club Officer in 2015. He was elected 2nd Vice Governor
in 2016, 1st Vice Governor in 2017 and District LC5 – PIP Augustin Soliva Governor in 2018-2019.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including
Appreciation Certificates from International Presidents Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, Dr. Bob Corlew,
Naresh Aggarwal, Gudrun Yngvadottir, Dr. Jung-Yul Choi and Dr. Patti Hill. Juventino became a
Melvin Jones Fellow in 1990, and he became a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow in 2016. His wife,
Elizabeth, also became a Melvin Jones Fellow in 2015 and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow in
2016. He was appointed to a three-year term as trustee for Lions Clubs International Foundation
(LCIF) in 2024-2025.

Currently, Juventino is professionally involved in business risk prevention; he and Elizabeth have
one daughter, one son and three grandchildren.