Board of Directors

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Personal Details
Position: First Year International Director
Address: Liaoning, China

Dong Zhao

Board of Directors


Dong Zhao from Liaoning, China, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international
director of Lions International at the association’s 106th International Convention in Melbourne,
Australia, June 21 through June 25, 2024.

Director Zhao has 31 years of experience professionally training models, and is the CEO of
Liaoning Northern Model Agency Co., Ltd.

Director Zhao is a member of the Shenyang Shang Ruo Lions Club since 2010.

He has held several offices within the association, including club president, charter district
governor, vice president of China Council of Lions Clubs, executive vice president of China
Council of Lions Clubs, supervisor of China Council of Lions Clubs and director of Public
Welfare Research Institute of China Council of Lions Clubs

In recognition of his service to the association, Director Zhao has received numerous awards,
including multiple International President’s Medals, the Lions Clubs International Membership
Development Excellence Award, the President’s Medal of the Chinese Lions Association and the
Special Contribution Medal of the Chinese Lions Association. He is also a Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lion activities, Director Zhao has served as chairman of the Chinese Lions
Association as well as chairman of the Chinese Lions Foundation.

Director Zhao and his wife, Ruixue Hu, have one child.

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