Board of Directors

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Personal Details
Position: First Year International Director
District: 3231A3
Address: Mumbia, India

Pankaj Mehta

Board of Directors


Pankaj Mehta from Mumbai, India, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international
director of Lions International at the association’s 106th International Convention in Melbourne,
Australia, June 21 through June 25, 2024.

Director Mehta has 45 years of experience in a variety of industries, including information
technology, textiles and investments. He is currently a chairman at Kiaana Home Originale Pvt.

A member of the Lions Club of Bombay Airport since 1988, Director Mehta says he the Lions
“We Serve” theme inspired him to join, and he has found his purpose in life.

He has held several offices within the association, including club president, club vice president,
club secretary, district governor, vice district governor, region chairperson, zone chairperson,
multiple district Leo chairperson and Sight for Kids chairperson, among others. He is also an
LCIP graduate and has been faculty to many Lions Leadership Institutes.

In recognition of his service to the association, Director Mehta has received numerous awards
including the Lion of the Year Award, Outstanding Zone & Region Chairperson Award, District
Governor Excellence Award, Senior Lions Key Award, multiple International President’s Medals,
multiple Club Extension Awards and International President’s Appreciation Certificate. He is
also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lion activities, Director Mehta has served as a member of the MERL
committee, leadership chairperson and a self-empowerment committee chairperson. He loves
vintage music, traveling and photography, and is a motivational speaker and trainer in soft
skills/life skills.

Director Mehta and his wife of 45 years, Tushar Pankaj Mehta, also a Lion, have two children
and one grandchild.

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