Board of Directors

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Personal Details
Position: First Year International Director
Address: Marshfield, Missouri, USA

Debbie Cantrell

Board of Directors


Debbie Cantrell from Marshfield, Missouri, United States, was elected to serve a two-year term
as an international director of Lions International at the association’s 106th International
Convention in Melbourne, Australia, June 21 through June 25, 2024.

Director Cantrell has 22 years of experience in financial consulting. She is a financial
consultant/insurance and operations specialist at Heritage Financial Advisors. She also has 10
years of experience working with at-risk kindergarteners. Director Cantrell has many notable
projects, including conducting company trainings, launching a booster club curriculum for Esther
Elementary School and created the “It Takes a Village” event to raise awareness for domestic

Director Cantrell joined the Lebanon Host Lions Club in 2004, where she is currently an active

She has held several offices within the association, including club president, club membership
chairperson, district governor, first and second vice district governor, immediate past district
governor and multiple district Global Membership Team coordinator, among many other

In recognition of her service to the association, Director Cantrell has received numerous awards,
including multiple Lion of the Year Awards, multiple International President’s Awards and
International President’s Medals. She was also presented with the Helping Hands Award from
Past International President Sid Scruggs. She is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to her Lion activities, Director Cantrell has spoken at The White House and was
named a Champion of Change. She has also spoken at the United Nations during Lions Day with
the United Nations. She has written multiple disaster grants after the tornados in Joplin and
Branson, Missouri, and held the first women’s workshop in the state. She loves spending time
with her family, sunsets, travel and cooking.

Director Cantrell and her husband of 11 years, Kevin, also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin
Jones Fellow, have three children and six grandchildren.

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