Board of Directors

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Personal Details
Position: Second Year International Director
Address: Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal

Balkrishna Burlakoti

Board of Directors


Balkrishna Burlakoti from Kathmandu, Nepal, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 105th International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 7 through July 11, 2023.

Director Burlakoti has more than 30 years of business experience in the cashmere and bedding industry. He is currently chairman of Pashm Nepal.

Looking to benefit his community with the leadership skills he’d developed as a business owner, he became a Lion in 2008 with the Kathmandu Gongabu Lions Club. He has held a number of offices within the association including multiple district council chairperson and LCIF area leader. He has also served multiple times as a Guiding Lion and a Specialty Club Coordinator.

 In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including multiple International President’s Awards and International President’s Leadership Awards. As a district governor, Director Burlakoti organized 100 new clubs in his district—the largest club extension in Lions history—as well as 100 Melvin Jones Fellow contributions. For this incredible achievement, he was recognized by Past International President Bob Corlew at the 100th International Convention in Chicago. Director Burlakoti is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, a second century ambassador and major donor.

Director Burlakoti and his wife, Gyanu, also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have two children and one grandchild.