Board Appointees

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Personal Details
Position: Past International Director
Address: Goiania, Goias, Brazil

Zander Campos Da Silva

Board Appointees

Zander Campos da Silva, of Goiania, Goias, Brazil, served a two-year term as a
director of The International Association of Lions Clubs following his election at
the association's 67th International Convention, held in San Francisco, California,
USA, July 4-7, 1984.
Past Director Campos da Silva is a journalist and lawyer, works in the advertising
field and also manages a printing and publishing house.
A Lion since 1965, as a member of the Goiania Sul Lions Club, Past Director
Campos da Silva has held offices including club president and district governor.
He has been active in the establishment of Leo clubs, and as a district governor
was responsible for organizing 23 Lions clubs in his district. In addition, he has
published eight books about the association and one on marketing and advertising.
Since 1974, he has been the editor of the Portuguese language edition of THE
LION Magazine.
In recognition of his efforts on behalf of the association, Past Director Campos da
Silva has received many awards, including the 100% District Governor Award,
four International President's Awards and the Ambassador of Good Will Award,
the highest honor bestowed upon a member by the association. He is also a
Melvin Jones Fellow. He is the chairman of the Educational Foundation of Goias
and of the Eye Bank Foundation of Goias, both of which are Lion projects.
Past Director Campos da Silva and his wife, Zilma, have two children, Zander Jr.
and Zandarlene, who are both involved in Lion activities.