Board Appointees

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Personal Details
Position: Past International Director
Address: Bogotá, Colombia

Jaime García Cepeda

Board Appointees

Jaime García Cepeda, from Bogotá, Colombia was elected to serve a two-year
term as a director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 95th
International Convention, held in Busan, Korea, June 22 through 26, 2012.
Past Director García is an engineer at a software company.
A member of the Santa Fe De Bogota Ciudad Salitre Lions Club, he has held
many offices within the association, including club president, district governor,
council chairperson and GMT/GLT advisor.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards
including five International President’s Leadership Medals, two International
President’s Awards and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor
the association bestows upon its members.
In addition to his Lions activities, Past Director García is active in several
professional and community organizations, including the Association of
Colombian System Engineers and the Colombian Software Industry Federation.
Past Director García is married to Ana, who is also a Lion.