International Executive Officers

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Personal Details
Position: International Second Vice President
Address: Brookfield, Connecticut, USA

Mark S. Lyon

International Executive Officers

Mark S. Lyon from Brookfield, Connecticut, USA, was elected to serve as second vice president of
Lions Clubs International at the association’s 106th International Convention held in Melbourne,
Australia, from June 21 through June 25, 2024.
Prior to his retirement in March 2024, Vice President Lyon worked in corporate legal administration
and financial services with several major corporations and banks for over 40 years.
As a long-time resident of Brookfield and an active volunteer in his community, church and local
government, his connection with Lions was already well established before he became a member
of the Brookfield Lions Club in 1996. Since then, he has held a number of offices within the
association including international director, multiple district council chairperson and multiple
district GLT coordinator.
He was also appointed as a member of the LCI Forward project team, a Global Action Team
area leader, a District Governor-Elect Seminar group leader, and board liaison to the 2019
USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Executive Committee. Vice President Lyon has also served
as presenter, faculty and participant at countless training events and leadership forums
throughout the years.
In recognition of his service, he has received multiple International President’s Awards and
International President’s Certificates of Appreciation as well as an International President’s
Leadership Award. Vice President Lyon is also a recipient of the Ambassador of Good Will
Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. Additionally, he has been
recognized as a Connecticut Knight of the Blind and a Connecticut Ambassador of Sight, and is
the recipient of a number of project and service-related certificates.
In addition to his Lion activities, Vice President Lyon has been active in numerous professional and
community organizations. He has served on the board of directors for the Silver Lake
Conference Center and Wide Horizons for Children. He was an associate member of the American
Bar Association and a past member of the Association of Legal Administrators, the Society of
Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals and the Shareholder Services Association.
Vice President Lyon is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
His wife, Lyn Lyon, is also a long-time Lion and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. They are the
proud parents of three incredible daughters.
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