Past International Directors from INDIA

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Personal Details
District: 324
Address: 193-A, BG 1, Scheme Race Course, No. 74-C, Coimbatore.
Spouse: Shantha
Home Club: Annur Town
Date of birth: 30.06.38
Wedding Anniversary: 19-08-1973
Year of joining: 1968
Blood Group: O +ve
Mobile: 99442 22405

G. Ramaswamy ‘gr’

Past International Directors from INDIA

ANNUR TOWN LIONS CLUB Charter President of Annur Town Lions Club in 1985.
Became an MJF on the day of the Inauguration.
Instrumental in Annur Town Lions Club’s LCIF funded Water Project to provide drinking
water for the whole town of Annur.
25 Lions Clubs, 25 Lioness Clubs were extended during his governorship in 1988-89, a
record at the International level till that time;
36 Melvin Jones Fellows; Redistricting District 324B into 4 Sub Districts - 324 B1, B2, B3
& B4 6,787 members & 158 Clubs at the time of redistricting & at present 29,943
members and 617 Clubs with an addition of new District B5, were his accomplishments.
As a visionary he set a target of 1,00,000 members for South India by increasing it from
45,000, achieved in 9 years; and 324 Multiple District was redistricted into 4 Multiple
Districts in the southern states of India in 2009 and later increased to 5 Multiple Districts
(316,317,318,320 & 324); This has resulted in tremendous membership growth with MD
324 being largest Multiple and total south India membership at 1,46,000.
He was responsible for constructing 650 homes for the rehabilitation of cyclone victims in
1996. As the Chairperson of the Tsunami Rehabilitation Committee in
2004,565 houses were built;
NATIONAL LEVEL Chairperson of Lions Coordination Committee of India (2 Years);
Chairperson of All India DGE Schooling (2 Years); Chairperson of National Sight First
Committee (8 Years).
GR was the Chairperson of Planning Committee of ISAME Area Forum in 1998 and
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of ISAME Area Forum Area of Chennai to be held
in December 2019. He has attended 29 ISAME Area Forums.
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL International Director 1996-1998.
Board Appointee during 1999-2000, 2005-2006, 2006-2007and 2017-2018. LCIF
Steering Committee (3 Years - 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014); The
Faculty of District Governors’ - Elect Schooling; Member of Credential Committee (3
LIONS CLUBS’ RECOGNITION AND AWARDS Recipient of innumerable Lions Awards
from Lions Clubs, Lions Districts, Multiple Districts, Area Forums all over the world and
Lions Clubs International. Chief among them are Ambassador of Goodwill; International
President’s Leadership Awards - 2; He has been in receipt of 32 International Presidential
Medals Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow with 34 Diamonds; GR and his spouse
Shanthamani are Second Century Ambassadors; Lead Gift Donor.
EDUCATION Loyola College (Madras University)
BUSINESS A Member of the renowned “KG Family” which has varied interests in several
industries that include Cotton, Clothing, Information Systems, Software, Education, Real
Estate & Constructions, Health care etc.
KG Educational Trust runs more than 4 Higher Secondary Schools with a strength of
6000 students in rural areas providing free and affordable education; KG Arts & Science,
KG Engineering College & Information Tech College accommodate more than 3000
PERSONAL Married to Santha, an active Lion member of Annur Town Lions Club, a
progressive Melvin Jones Fellow with 4 Diamonds. Both of them are Second Century
His sons Annush Ramaswamy and Ashyanth Ramaswamy are managing the all the
business and industrial concerns of the family.
Both the sons, spouses and their children are all Melvin Jones Fellow.