Past International Directors from INDIA

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Personal Details
District: 316
Address: Abhay” Villa TL03, 2-22/205, Shriram Panorama Hills, NVP law College Rd., Yendada, Visakhapatnam 530045 A.P.
Spouse: Sudha
Home Club: Visakhapatnam
Profession: Business
Blood Group: O +ve
Mobile: 91 83889 99999

V. Vijay Kumar Raju

Past International Directors from INDIA

Vijay Kumar Raju Vegesna, from Visakhapatnam, India, is a visionary
leader with conquering imagination and a Leader par Excellence with
a firm belief that if we dare to dream we dare to succeed.
Past international Director Lion Raju began his career as a techno
engineer in the Indian Air Force. He took voluntary retirement to take
up his family business.The call to service & to derive a meaningful
purpose of his existence urged him to renounce materialistic benefits
and channel his life to serve suffering humanity by bestowing noble
nurses to serve globally. This selfless desire rooted as Manisha
College of Nursing in the year 2003, which gradually spread its
branches in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
He served a two-year term (2016-2018) as a Director of Lions Clubs
International. A member of the Visakhapatnam Samarasya Lions Club
since 1996, he has held many offices within the association, including
Club President, Zone Chairperson, District Governor, Multiple District
Council Secretary, and Regional LCIF coordinator. He is currently
appointed to the prestigious office as Trustee of Lions Clubs
International Foundation.
A trainer at the International Level in ISAAME, Lion Raju has carved
phenomenal impressions in Lionism as the Campaign 100’s Lead gift
donor, Life Member, and Second Century Ambassador of the
Association. In recognition of his services to the association, he has
received numerous awards, including the Ambassador of Goodwill
Award which is the highest honour for a Lion, 100% District Governor
Excellence Award, 14 New Club Extension Awards, 6 times
International Leadership Medals, 10 International President’s Medals
and Four Diamond white Sapphire Gold pin for MJF. He is also a
Progressive Melvin
Jones Fellow. He is distinguished & admired for his exceptional
guidance, motivation, inspiration, mentorship, incessant support and
professional ethics.
Past International Director Raju and his wife Lion SudhaVegesna are
blessed with one daughter Lion Kinnera, her soul mate Lion Kiran and
grandson Dhruva