Past International Directors from INDIA

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Personal Details
District: 322
Address: 8, Lenin Sarani 1st Floor, Kolkata - 700 013
Spouse: Arvind
Home Club: Calcutta Midtown
Date of birth: 28.12.63
Wedding Anniversary: 28-06-1986
Year of joining: 1988
Blood Group: B +ve
Mobile: 98317 37773

Sangeeta Jatia

Past International Directors from INDIA

Sangeeta Jatia, of Kolkata is a Lion since 1988 and a member of
Calcutta Midtown Lions Club. She was elected as the District
Governor of District 322 B1 for the year 2004-2005 and as
International Director in 2012. An Economics graduate, she has
served as a faculty at various Institutes, DG and VDG schooling of
India and also as the DGE group leader at the International
Convention for five years. She has been a trainer at various institutes
held in the Area. She was the Chairperson of the DGE Seminar held at
Las Vegas. She was also a member of the Mission 30 team, Team 20K
and served as a GMT Area Leader. She served as the GLT
Constitutional Area Vice Chairperson from 2017-2019. She has led
the worldwide Women’s Initiative and served as the International
Family and Women Coordinator from 2014-2017. In 2018-19 she
served as the Global Chairperson for the New Voices program.
Sangeeta has received numerous awards including the highest award
of the association, Ambassador of Goodwill Award.Widely travelled,
Sangeeta has attended numerous Forums besides International
Conventions and ISAAME Forums