International Executive Officers

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Position: International Third Vice President
Address: Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Manoj Shah

International Executive Officers

Dr. Manoj Shah of Nairobi, Kenya was elected to serve as Third Vice President of Lions International
at the Association's 106th International Convention held in Melbourne, Australia, in June 2024.
Vice President Shah is a successful businessman with interests in the Automobile, Property, Hospitality
and Finance sectors.
A Charter member of the Nairobi Greater Lions Club since 1988, Vice President Shah has held many
offices within the association at Club, District and International levels. He has served as a Constitutional
Area Leader of the Global Action Team – Africa and was Chairman of the Africa Lions Steering
Committee which led to Africa being recognized as a separate Constitutional Area. He also served as a
Trustee of the Lions Clubs International Foundation and is a Campaign 100 Lead Gift Donor and LCIF
Humanitarian Partner.
A passionate advocate for leadership development, Vice President Shah has served as faculty at several
International Lions Leadership Institutes and facilitated leadership workshops across Africa and Asia.
He is a certified LCIP Trainer for Lions International and has led the District Governors Elect seminar
as a group leader multiple times.
Vice President Shah's philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on the community. He played
a pivotal role in establishing Lions Service Centers in Kenya, including the Lions Renal Unit, Lions
Dental Center, and Lions Hearing Center. Notably, he spearheaded the establishment of the first Lions
Eye Bank in Kenya and serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Management of the Lions SightFirst
Eye Hospital in Nairobi. Additionally, he has been instrumental in establishing the first two Lions
Comprehensive Diabetic Care Centers in Kenya.
Vice President Shah has received numerous accolades, including the "Elder of the Burning Spear"
(EBS) Award by the President of the Republic of Kenya for his role in Nation Building, “Ambassador
of Goodwill Award” by Lions International, and the prestigious "Commander to the Venerable of St.
John Medal" (CStJ) from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for Community Engagement and conferred
with an Honorary Doctorate in Humanity. His achievements have been highlighted in his published
biography titled “One in A Million.”
In addition to his Lion activities, he is active in numerous professional and community organizations.
He is currently the Chairman of the M.P. Shah Hospital, Chairman of the Automobile Association of
Kenya Road Safety Council, Member of the Priory Council of St. John, Trustee of the Kilimanjaro
Blind Trust, Board Member of Special Olympics Kenya and an active member of the Visa Oshwal
Community. At National Level he has been appointed by His Excellency the President of the Republic
of Kenya and serves as The Chairman of The National Transport and Safety Association in Kenya.
Vice President Shah is married to Jayna, an equally dedicated member of Lions Club Nairobi Greater
and are both Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows. They are proud parents to two daughters; Dr. Priyum
and Lion Dr. Soyum, a resolute leader and Progressive 7 Diamond Melvin Jones Fellow and proud
grandparents to two granddaughters.
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